Nine Food Items That Affects Your Skin Adversely

We all know that acne is caused b things we face in our lives every day. Sweat, dirty pillowcases and rogue hair product are just a few of the culprits of random breakouts. And wrinkles, of course, are inevitable side effects of ageing. But, it’s not only what touches are skin on the outside that can cause it to flare up. In fact, the food you put inside your body is just as important. If you have an expert skincare regimen but your skin still isn’t top-notch, you could be consuming all the wrong things. Here are few of the surprising foods that can wreak havoc on your complexion.

1. Dairy Can Clog Your Pores:-

If you can’t live without that glass of chocolate milk every morning, or if the cheese is your favorite food group, we’ve got some bad news, all that dairy could be the cause of your breakouts. Curology founder Dr David Lortscher explained, “Dairy products contain certain hormonal components that can stimulate oil production. The more oil your body produces, the more likely it is to clog your pores, which leads to breakouts. Surprisingly, the worst dairy culprit is skimmed milk.

2. Salt Might Make Your Skin Puffy:-

While salt might not directly cause acne, it does lead to other unfavourable outcomes for your face namely– puffy, inflamed skin. Dermatologist Margaret Ravits says that salt can cause some people to retain water appear puffy. Definitely not a great look- unless you are planning on hosting a creepy kids show in the 70’. if you just can’t give up salt completely, no worries! Dermatologist Whitney Bowe suggests adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet to “Keep your skin hydrated and toned.” So pour out that salt shaker and treat yourself to some omega-3 filled salmon. Your face will thank you!

3. Refined Crabs Are Risky:-

Why is it that the tasty of food are always the worst for you? Like carbs for example. Yep, we are talking about Pasta, Potato, White Bread and the good stuff. According to Dr. David Lortscher, there are good carbs and then there bad carbs. It’s these carbs, foods that are high on the glycemic index or GI, that you want to avoid as much as possible. Lortscher explains, “High GI foods increase blood glucose levels, forcing our bodies to produce insulin to absorb the extra glucose.” Higher insulin means inflammation, which may trigger acne. Lortscher also notes that avoiding bad carbs may also help you lose weight by restricting the calories you take in, which in turn can reduce acne breakouts.

4. Potato Chips Can Age You:-

While chips are definitely tasty, they are a double whammy when it comes to being bad for your skin. Most chips are covered in tons of salt, which we know is a major factor in inflammation. they’re made from potatoes, which means they also fall into the refined carb category and are likely to make you breakout. This means that bag of chips is just a skin disaster waiting to happen.

5. Sugar Makes You Look Older:-

It’s no secret that sugary foods aren’t good for our waistlines, but it turns out that sugar also wreaks havoc on our skin, according to Dr Debra Jaliman, Dermatologist, Author & Creator of Sea Radiance Skincare. According to her, foods that are high in sugar end up glycating the collagen in your skin, which can stiffen and age your face. So wen you are debating whether or not to go for that extra doughnuts, think about all the bad stuff that comes with it. If you are looking for a healthy sugar kick, try going for fruits that contain natural sugars and the added bonus of antioxidants that help fight signs of ageing.

6. Butter Brings On The Wrinkles:-

While studies have shown that eating butter isn’t going to kill you, one thing is for sure- Butter is a dairy product and we have learned how dairy negatively impacts your skin by causing excess oil production. But not only does butter have acne causing properties, it also puts you at risk for wrinkles. In a 2001 study in the journal of the American College of Nutrition, those with a higher intake of butter and other dairy products experience more skin wrinkling than those who consumed healthier food options like vegetables and olive oil. So the next time you are cooking up a healthy dish at home, opt for olive oil instead of a stick of a butter.

7. Shellfish Can Cause Acne:-

At first glance, protein-packed shellfish might seem like a healthy option. However, as Dermatologist Neal B. Schultz told Shape, shellfish is quote, “naturally high in iodine, and a diet with too much of this element can lead to acne.” And according to Judith Brown, author of Every Woman’s Guide to Nutrition, “High iodine levels can inflame your skin, clog your pores and cause the appearance of red splotchy skin.” But the good news is that you don’t have to avoid shellfish completely. According to Dr Schultz, you will be fine as long as you indulge in crabs, shrimps, lobsters and the rest only a few times a month, rather than several times a week.

8. Red Meat Has Pros & Cons:-

Like shellfish, red meat seems innocent enough on the surface. While it’s full of the protein your body needs to survive, it can also cause acne and lead to premature ageing. In an interview with StyleCaster, Dr Mitchell Chasin explained, “Red meat contains high levels of carnitine which can harden blood vessel walls, causing premature ageing.” Red meat has also been linked to increased levels of testosterone in the body, which can increase sebum. And when your body makes too much of this oil, “Follicles become clogged and pimples can emerge.”

9. Alcohol Will Leave Your Skin Suffering:-

If you like to cut loose o the weekends and tip a few back, you might be damaging your skin more than you know. Dr Eric Meinhardt told us that alcohol causes dehydration- a fact anyone who’s woken up after a few drinks too many knows all too well. While it may seem like your mouth and throat are the only things that need water after a long night out, your skin is also suffering. Meinhardt explained that as your skin dries out, you’re more prone to wrinkling, dryness and flaking. And the free radicals created by the alcohol lead to collagen damage, leading to wrinkles less vibrant skin. So go easy on the alcohol and keep your skin intact.

What Can You Eat?

So now that we have covered everything that has a negative impact on your skin, you are probably thinking, “Well what can I Eat?” When you are looking for foods that are good for your skin, Dr Jaliman notes that any fresh food that is “richly colored” is your best bet. She explained, “These are highest in antioxidants. So for example, choose a red grapefruit over a white grapefruit, a red pepper over a yellow pepper.”Luckily, keeping a good skin care regimen can help prevent many adverse effects from these foods, so you don’t have to totally give up your favorite guilty pleasures for the sake of smooth, clear skin. But hey healthy decision helps just a little more.