Tips for You To Achieve The Perfect Picture Of Your Meal To Burn Your Instagram Friends

Last weekend we as a whole team went off to have the long due Dinner get-together to just chill out together and do something that wasn’t work related. Most of us in the group are crazy social media and perfect picture enthusiastic, some of us also seriously into photography. On this day we are up to try out a new place in a new locality, rest assured we have been happy with our decision.

As we chatted along and the menu was passed along the table we didn’t really pay attention to ordering for the starting too engrossed in catching up and joking around, but soon the rats in our tummies and the impatient but polite glances of the waiter made us order our food, which we did after a lot of discussions (food ordering is a real task and more time consuming than actually eating it).

After ordering we went back into our banter until 30 mins later when our order started arriving and everyone forgot everyone thing and started pulling out our phones to capture the perfect pictures of our platter while arranging and re-arranging the dishes every two seconds later. The table was more chaos than before, until now none of us had paid much attention to our phones (Surprising, It’s not).

Once everyone was satisfied with our pictures then plates were cleared in within 10 to 15 mins time span. And soon we started showing each other our perfect click, where a serious photography discussions started off right and wrong angles, frames and all those photography concepts.

Below here are tips on arranging your object on the table, three best and perfect angles and more tips on food photography. Though the video refers to a professional camera, most of the tips match for our smartphone too.
